As a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren, my family history is a tapestry woven with rich stories and cherished memories.

On my mother’s side, my grandmother Ranghilde Safsten and grandfather Oscar Safsten hailed from Sweden. Last summer, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Umea, where I discovered a wooden beam in a farm building with my grandfather’s name carved into it from his youth.
On my father’s side, my grandmother Ora Duncan married my grandfather Christian Nels Hansen, whose father made a daring escape from the Danish Navy by jumping ship in New York harbor. The Duncan lineage traces back to Scotland, with ancestors who emigrated before the Revolutionary War.
My grandmother Ora Duncan Hansen and my father Wally Hansen
My grandfather Christian Nels Hansen. Hawaii 1969
My grandfather Oscar Johannes Safsten as young man on a steamship
My grandfather Oscar Safsten and grandmother Ranghilde Linde Safsten clowning around on a fence
My mother Audrey Safsten Hansen as a young woman
My father Wally Hansen after climbing Mt. Fuji
My daughter's grandparents John Chew Sun Young and Amy