The same two rescue cats, Smudge and Jaws, were fierce protectors and guardians of home and hearth. In Brooklyn, I managed to grow one large heritage tomato on my one tomato plant on my fire escape outside the window.
Plenty of Brooklyn birds, including pigeons, had their eye on that tomato, but Smuge and Jaws would lay on the windowsill just inside, opposite The Tomato, and menace any bird that had gastronomic designs on that tomato. Alas, one day I came home and it had disappeared completely. Not a single seed or drip remained. The plant was empty. Despite intensive interrogation, Smudge and Jaws did not reveal its fate.
To this day, I am sure it was some kind of Brooklyn deal: The pigeons brought cat snacks, there was a wink-wink-nod-nod as they turned their back to eat the snacks, and some large bird carried it off. Alas.